The club provides a wheelchair loan service to anyone in the community that has a short term need for one. There is no charge for the loan although a £20 refundable deposit is required.
This facility is used by both young and old alike and has proved to be a very much appreciated service (especially by our “caravanners” and visitors in the summer season).
Until recently, all of the wheelchairs that we owned had been donated by local people. Some of these required a considerable amount of repair and maintenance.
It was decided in 2007 to purchase 6 brand new wheelchairs to ensure that when they were loaned out, we could be happy in the knowledge that they were safe, in good condition and met all the stringent legal requirements of the Health and Safety Executive and Trading Standard regulations. Such has been the success of the service that in 2009 we have purchased six more to help meet demand. These plus donations from the public mean that we now have 36 wheelchairs in use and they are out on loan most days - so book in advance!!
We did not just throw away all the old stock. We presented them to a local organisation that sent them off to needy people in Third World Countries. Two have just been sent out to Kassam Ghana -
If you wish to borrow a wheelchair, remember that they are popular!! Please, book it in advance by visiting or 'phoning the Lions Shop on 01964 536400.
Or Contact Lion Paul Milnes or further details.
Terms and Conditions at the foot of this page
Wheelchairs can only be checked over and issued by the Lion on duty in the shop, who will wish to see evidence of identity for the borrower and collect information to book the wheelchair out.
The loan period is now 10 weeks and then the wheelchair must be returned to the Lions Shop for safety checks.
We now have available a limited number of walkers and "Zimmer" frames which may be kept on a long loan term. Walking Sticks and Crutches have also been donated and may be purchased at a very reasonable price. Please ask the staff on duty in the shop for details of what is available.
Wheelchair Loan Service Terms & Conditions
Customers loaning Wheelchairs/walking aids owned by Hornsea District Lions Club. (HDLC) must accept the Clubs Terms and Conditions of use.
By paying a deposit (normally £20-00) and removing the wheelchair /walking aid from the premises. The HDLC, deam that you have accepted these terms and conditions of use:
Thank you for complying with these Terms and Conditions. We hope you are satisfied with this “free” service for the Community of Hornsea District. On satisfactory completion of your loan, the Lion on duty at the shop will offer to refund your deposit. please consider donating this money to the Lions to assist us in expanding our voluntary work & services to the community
£20-00 Refundable deposit (see terms and conditions above) secures a loan of a wheelchair.
This Supplementry to our wheel chair service,
We can provide "FREE OF CHARGE" to our customers
Message in a Bottle.
Inside the plastic container there are two stickers-
Please fill in the form found in the container.
eg. Who has a front door key or can look after the pet should you need to be taken to hospital.
(We Have Spares in the Lions Shop)
Put the “bottle into your fridge door- this is where the emergency services will locate it.
Should you have a panic attack, stroke, faint, fall, or are found unconscious,
These are situations where the “bottle” can “speak” for you.
How does it work?
We hope that the “bottles” are never opened but it does give you peace of mind.
Message In a Bottle Outlets September 2012
In Hornsea,
On Cliff Road;
Dental surgery.
On the Greenway;
Morrisons, The Post Office.
Market Place;
Lloyds Chemist, Pentecostal Church second-hand shop.
Doctors Surgery, Kingfisher Clinic.
also at Saint Johns Ambulance Cadets, U3A Coffee Mornings and
Doctors Surgery
& Not Forgetting The Lions Shop here in Hornsea!
For Further Info
Contact Lion Linda via Lions Shop