Last Friday in November is Hornsea Christmas Lights switch-on night
Young children can come and visit Santa in his grotto Free, and let him know what they would like for Christamas.
Child leaves with small present and sweets. Free...
Age/height restrictions apply!
Mums, Dads ,Aunts. Uncles, Grand Parents enjoy a free Hot drink.
Why not have ago on our Lions Tombola at the same time!
Thanks to TESCO we will be able to collect for Pudesy Bears appeal
and Sell some of his memorabilia,
[Ears, Pins Tee-shirts etc.]
Hornsea Amateur Theatre Society ….Kids
Yet again we were proud sponsors of the childrens Half Term show of ANNIE, this years HATS kids production. There really is some talent in this town. Children are able to build self confidence on stage but also learn to work as a team.
It was an absolutly brilliant show.
Well done to all who gave up their time to help these enthusiastic children.
Defibrillators for Hornsea Primary Schools
And Surrounding Villages
Lion President presents a New defibrillator to the staff and some of the children.
Head teacher at Hornsea Burton school receives their defibrilltor from LP Joan and part of our pride of Lions.
A group of 10 children from Sigglesthorne School with their teacher and school pet dog receive their defibrillator from Lions; Mick, Iris, VP Jean, Jenny, Mel and Lewis. I understand that Lewis’s younger brother is in the middle of this picture
Children from Long Riston school along with their teacher, receiving their defibrilator from Zone Chairman Lion Jenny , with Lions Mick John ,Lewis and Iris looking on.
Photo courtesy of
Lyndsay Preston
Riston CE Primary Academy
Lions; Mick, Iris, VP Jean, Jenny, Mel and Lewis. In the rear, with 4 children receiving their defibrillator on behalf of Skirlaugh Primary School.
Introduced by Samantha Boffin Intoduces our own Lion Mel Watson
Podcast borrowed from Lions Clubs International British Isles.
We are proud to associate with this group, however please contact them direct if you wish help
Sorry I have no photos from the above events!
But have received a Certificate from the BBC. Below
Lion Shaun with the Cheque to Yorkshire Cancer, for his efforts in completing “The Great North Run” Sunday 11th October 2022. The half marathon starts in centre of Newcastle and ends at the Leys South Shields.
Well done Shaun
We are seeking younger members who can operate computors
Hornsea Lions continue to support our Twinned Club in Nepal
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