Associates and other links.

The Editors Intention is to add Further Links to Associates here. Using the Buttons named. Just hover and click.
The official website of :-Lions Clubs International MD 105
(British Isles and Ireland)

Lions Clubs International Foundation
Run in tandem with the site above. Further information as to how Lions Clubs 
International is providing humanitarian service, of how 1.35 million Lions in 206 countries are able to provide grant funding and develope programs that improve lives around the world.
The official website of:- Lions Clubs International District 105N        [ we are Zone N15]
(Yorkshire, Northumberland and Scotland)

Water Aid Charity in partnership with Lions Clubs International with objectives
in providing clean fresh water and improving sanitation to areas in third world countries which are deprived of these basic modern necessities.

Medic Alert  Home Page for charity providing personal information to First Responders on a tagged bracelet or necklace to a patient. Ideal for patients who are diabetic, suffer with a heart condition or heavily reliant on medication.
Check out this web sight, then contact us. If you live or work in our District we will consider suppling the bracelet or necklace. If you live outside our area, we will forward your request to the Lions Club in that area.

 Hornsea Local Market
Hornseas own community market

Hornsea Inshore Rescue
The site of Hornsea Inshore Rescue who provide an offshore rescue service
in the gap left in the Coastguard and RNLI coverage around our coast. HIR is a 
local charity we have supported since its early beginnings.

Hornsea Carnival Committee

The Carnival Committee work to promote Hornsea, raise funds for local charities and promote community spirit and fun.

Diabetes UK
Site of charity providing information and help to Diabetes suffers.
Home Page For BBC Children in Need (Pudsey Bear)
Home Page for Comic Relief "Red Nose Day"

Royal National Institute for the Blind
We support this charity by collecting Foreign and British Stamps, bring them in to our Charity shop where we can parcel them up and send them to the RNIB in bulk.

Hornsea Fun Run For Marie Curie Cancer Fund
Fun Run Organised by Hornsea Rotary Club.

Densholme Community Care Farm
Care Farm giving educational and therapeutic care and opportunity to young people with learning difficulties.

ZANE a charity providing personalised means-tested care for desperate Zimbabwe pensioners, and funding on projects to facilitate the creation of sustainable communities. 

Internationa Glaucoma Association
Charity in Partnership with the Lions Eye Health Program Working to Save Sight around the World.

HATS (Hornsea Amateur Theatrical Society)
A local group we support, especially the "Kidz" who are able to increase self confidence,develop their own life skills and talent.Which feeds back into our community.
The shows that HATS. produce are of a very high standard, better than some profesional shows I've seen. If you live in and around Hornsea get down to the Floral Hall and watch that next show. You won't be disappointed. 
Hornsea Scout Group
Home page of our local Scout Group.

Hornsea Air Cadets
Home Page of 298 (Hornsea)Squadron Air Training Corps.

ADT Healthcare is a free helpline for people affected by drug and alcohol addiction. The service is particularly helpful for family members affected by a loved one's addiction.Website: Tel: 0800 088 66 86

Support for Blind Employees This guide will discuss your options, ensuring that you are treated fairly and equitably by an employer – whether seeking a new job, or adapting to a change in circumstances regarding your eyesight.

 Practical info on internet accessbility for the visually impaired.    WARNING  . This is a commercial site of NVISION .

The link provided is just practical info.                                  We do not recommend or associate with any  further pages on their commercial site . American based not for UK readers.